Thursday, August 4, 2011


After a slight panic attack, mad googling and a visit to the neighbors to view their can lights, lighting was installed today!  Kitchen Designer was sent off for the day and that turned out to be good.  As Paul the Electrician drilled holes for the cans it snowed pretty white insulation.  (Paul the Electrician did not appreciate my description...he proclaimed it hot snow)  I am sure that Kitchen Designer would have found that to be delicious. 

Paul the Electrician was great!  He visually laid out the lights on the floor and worked through the plan with me.  I am excited to see them with real bulbs and trim but I think the layout is good.  The Photog was at his paying job today so I made a meager attempt at the photography.  Photog will be happy that I verified his dimmer will go in...Photog believes "it is all about the lighting."

Tomorrow Paul the Electrician will be back to move switches and change outlet colors.

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1 comment:

  1. Looking nice! You may give Photog some competition for his job! ;)
